
Posts that has a focus on hacking to test the security of given platform. This includes offensive security, penetration testing, bug hunting, black hat activity, red team engagement, and so on.

A collection of 16 posts:

Picture of hitman
Game Zone - TryHackMe

7 min read

In this walkthrough we will demonstrate the steps necessary to complete the Game Zone room on TryHackMe.

thm offsec writeup
HackPark - TryHackMe

10 min read

In this walkthrough we will demonstrate the steps necessary to complete the HackPark room on TryHackMe.

writeup offsec thm windows
Alfred from batman
Alfred - TryHackMe

10 min read

In this walkthrough we will demonstrate the steps necessary to complete the Alfred room on TryHackMe.

writeup offsec thm windows web
EternalBlue banner
Blue - TryHackMe

7 min read

In this walkthrough we will demonstrate the steps necessary to complete the Blue room on TryHackMe.

writeup windows offsec
Obiwan wallpaper
Kenobi - TryHackMe

7 min read

In this walkthrough we will demonstrate the steps necessary to complete the Kenobi room on TryHackMe.

offsec smb linux thm writeup
Steel Mountain Logo
Steel Mountain - TryHackMe

7 min read

In this walkthrough we will demonstrate the steps necessary to complete the Steel Mountain room on TryHackMe.

writeup offsec thm windows privesc
Vulnversity - TryHackMe

8 min read

In this walkthrough we will demonstrate the steps necessary to complete the Vulnversity room on TryHackMe.

writeup thm offsec web privesc recon
Full Red
Red Teaming Notes

64 min read

Members only

Offensive security is just as important as pure defensive action and just as fun! Here I have my long, long list of notes structured after Mitre Attack.

notes offsec members