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Data Manipulation Notes

2 min read

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In-data isn't always structured like you want it to be. To structure it yourself it is a common practise to use Regular expression (RegEx) together with tools such as sed, grep and awk. Here you will see how to use them!

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C-Languages Notes

1 min read

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C, C# and C++ are all pretty popular programming languages in cybersecurity. So whenever I come across it or use it - the notes I take you will find here!

notes c-family members
Speedcurve Performance Analytics
Blue Teaming Notes

12 min read

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A big page with notes about all general blue/defensive techniques - all from forensics to malware analysis.

notes registry forensics memory malware members
Linux (Ubuntu) bash terminal in Windows subsystem for Linux (WSL). Stock image.
Shell Script Notes

3 min read

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All of my relatively concise notes about shell scripting. The native scripting language in Unix systems.

notes shell-script members
Assembly hellow world in x64
Assembly Notes

3 min read

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Notes about anything that has to do with assembly - and for the most part reverse engineering.

notes assembly members
Stock image of a meeting
Explore cybersecurity: Endless Possibilities

16 min read

New to cybersecurity? Explore the massive field of cybersecurity. Learn, grow, and find your passion in this dynamic industry.

Obsidian icon and cogwheel
My Obsidian Settings for Effective Note-taking

9 min read

Maximise productivity with the best Obsidian settings for note-taking success. Learn expert tips from to enhance your digital-note taking ability

The Ultimate Guide - How to Take Effective Digital Notes for Productivity and Success

6 min read

Enhance productivity & success with this Obsidian guide. Learn essential tips for effective note-taking. Boost your skills now!
